The Light Tribe:  Enlightened Events
The Light Tribe is rooted in the simple, yet profound dream of creating a more positive and beautiful world. This foundation lies at the heart of our community, guiding our actions, and shaping our vision for the future.

Our Belief
We hold a firm belief that functional communities emerge when a critical number of individuals live in enlightened energetic states. Together, united in this conviction, we are committed to building the utopian dream of a New Earth through collective action and shared aspirations.

Our Journey
At the threshold of this monumental journey, history has offered glimpses of idealistic visions that eventually succumbed to collective self-indulgence. Yet, today, we are buoyed by astrological, anecdotal, and scientific signs indicating that the era of The Great Change is upon us.

Our Transformation
The path to elevating collective consciousness begins with personal transformation. We strive to transition from the ego's habitual patterns to states that reflect the highest potential of human existence. Through introspection and stillness, we uncover the expansive universe within, revealing each individual's soul journey.

Our Growth
Self-improvement is intricately linked with social interaction. Relationships serve as powerful mirrors, reflecting the outdated energetic patterns we each carry. This realization propels us towards transformative growth, achieved through a blend of personal effort and community engagement.

Our Healing
In a world often dominated by stress, healing blossoms through collective experiences of joy and positivity. Engaging in activities like singing, dancing, and meaningful connection allows us to steer our community towards profound transformation.

Our Community
The Light Tribe is more than a group of individuals; it is a collective force for nurturing personal growth and fostering a supportive environment. Through organized gatherings, we champion the journey of each member towards personal development and the realization of a brighter, shared future.